JCT - Faculty Research Profile - 2017-2021

83 9. A. Rosenfeld, D. Graham, S. Jevons, J. Ariza,D. Hagan, A. Wilson, S. Lovat, S. Sami, O. Ahmad, M. Novelli, M. Justo, A. Winstanley, E. Heifetz, M. Ben-Zecharia, U. Noiman, R. Fitzgerald, P. Sasieni, L. Lovat, MAchine learning to create a RisK prediction model as a pre-screening tool for Barrett's Oesophagus, accepted to Lancet Digital Health, January 2020 10. L. Echeverria, A. Haider, A. Freeman, U. Stopka-Farooqui, A. Rosenfeld, B. Simpson, Y. Hu, D. Hawkes, H. Pye, S. Heavey, V. Stavrinides, J. Norris, A. ElShater Bosaily, C. Barrena, S. Bott, L. Brown, N. Burns-Cox, T. Dudderidge, A. Henderson, R. Hindley, R. Kaplan, A. Kirkham, R. Oldroyd, M. Ghei, R. Persad, S. Punwani, D. Rosario, I. Shergill, M. Winkler, H. Ahmed, M. Emberton, H. Whitaker, A Critical Evaluation Of Visual Proportion of Gleason 4 and Maximum Cancer Core Length Quantified By Histopathologists, accepted to Scientific Reports. Peer-Reviewed Papers in Refereed Conference Proceedings 1. S. Stein, E. Gerding, A. Nedea, A. Rosenfeld, N. Jennings, "valuating Market User Interfaces for Electric Vehicle Charging using Bid2Charge. IJCAI 2017. 2. L. Carmona, T. Johnson, A. Rosenfeld, M. Eldridge, S. Vowler, A. George, M. Corcoran, J. Burge, S. Stearn, C. Massie, D. Neal, S. Heavey, H. Pye, H. Ahmed, M. Emberton, H. Whitaker, Discovery and validation of a novel fluid biomarker for the diagnosis and risk stratification of prostate cancer, the 2018 Annual Meeting of the American Urological Association Education and Research, 199(4s), p. e1146, 2018. 3. A. Richardson, A. Rosenfeld, "A Survey of Interpretability and Explainability in Human-Agent Systems", XAI 2018. 4. Y. Hacohen-Kerner, A. Rosenfeld, A. Sabaga, M. Tzidkani, "Topic-based Classification through Unigram Unmasking", KES 2018. 5. L. Lovat, S. Sami, D. Graham, J. Ariza, D. Hagan, F. Ocampo, M. Novelli, M. Rodriguez-Justo, A. Winstanley, E. Heifetz, M. ben-Zecharia, U. Noiman, S. Lovat, R. Fitzgerald, P. Sasieni, A. Rosenfeld, A Machine Learning-based Model to Predict the Presence of Barrett’s Oesophagus, BSG 2019 6. A. Rosenfeld, Better Metrics for Evaluating Explainable Artificial Intelligence. AAMAS 2021