JCT - Faculty Research Profile - 2017-2021

40 Dr. Eisenberg Estrella Cell phone: 0522861972 Email: estrella@g.jct.ac.il Google Scholar: https://scholar.google.com/citations?user=AxRzg5oAAAAJ&hl=iw DBLP: https://dblp.org/pid/61/6574.html My research interests are in Algebraic Combinatorics and Mathematics education - Fractals. Peer-Reviewed Papers in Refereed Journals 1. Ron Adin, Eli Bagno, Estrella Eisenberg, Shulamit Reches, Moria Sigron, On TwoSided Gamma-Positivity for Simple Permutations, The Electronic Journal of Combinatorics. Volume25-2, 2018. (I.F 0.96, Q1). 2. Eli Bagno, Estrella Eisenberg, Shulamit Reches, Moria Sigron, on the poset of kingnon-attacking permuations. European J. of Combinatorics, v. 87, pp.103119, ISSN = "0195-6698", doi = https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ejc.2020.103119, 2020 (IF: 1.290, Q1). 3. Eli Bagno, Estrella Eisenberg, Shulamit Reches, Moria Sigron, On the sparseness of the downsets of permutations via its number of separators, Enumerative Combinatorics and Applications, 2021. Peer-Reviewed Papers in Refereed Conference Proceedings 1. Eli Bagno, Estrella Eisenberg, Shulamit Reches, Moriah Sigron. Counting king permutation on the cylinder, the 2020 virtual Permutation Patterns virtual workshop, 2020.