JCT - Faculty Research Profile - 2017-2021

24 Dr. Bonchek-Dokow Elisheva Cell phone: 0547848277 Email: ebonchek@g.jct.ac.il Website: Elisheva Bonchek-Dokow Google Scholar: Elisheva Bonchek-Dokow Research area: Machine Learning, applications to social media Peer-Reviewed Papers in Refereed Journals 1. Menachem Domb, Elisheva Bonchek-Dokow, Guy Leshem, “Lightweight Adaptive Random-Forest for IoT Rule Generation and Execution”, Journal of Information Security and Applications, 2017. IF: 0.537 Rank: Q2. Peer-Reviewed Papers in Refereed Conference Proceedings 1. Jonathan Schler, Elisheva Bonchek-Dokow, Tomer Vainstein, Moshe Gotam, Mike Teplitsky, "Utilizing Natural Honeypots for Efficiently Labeling Astroturfer Profiles", Proceedings of the EKAW 2020 Posters and Demonstrations Session, 22nd International Conference on Knowledge Engineering and Knowledge Management, 2020, poster. 2. Jonathan Schler, Elisheva Bonchek-Dokow, Tomer Vainstein, Moshe Gotam, Mike Teplitsky, "Profiling Astroturfing Facebook Users During Three Contiguous Israeli Election Periods", Proceedings of the DEVIANCE 2020 Workshop on Deviant Activities on Social Media, IEEE BigData, 2020.