JCT - Faculty Research Profile - 2017-2021

16 Research in the Faculty of Engineering and Computer Science Prof. Yaakov HaCohen-Kerner, Dean The faculty of engineering and computer science at JCT offers B.Sc. degrees in physics/electro-optics engineering, electrical and electronics engineering, industrial engineering and management, computer science, software engineering, and communications systems engineering. It also offers M.Sc. degrees in physics/electrooptics engineering and in Data Mining as well as two additional M.Sc. programs wending their way through the Council for Higher Education’s approval process. The faculty members of the school of engineering and computer science are actively involved in research. Several researchers perform research that requires a pen, paper and a computer. Several researchers require powerful computers/servers and suitable programmers. Several researchers require lab facilities. The school of engineering and computer science has many labs – from an RF (radio frequency) lab to a clean room facility, from a bio-medical optics lab to a laser lab, and from an eye movement lab to a microfluidics lab. The faculty members have active collaborations with faculty members from the Hebrew University, Bar Ilan University, Ben Gurion University, Ariel University, Shaarei Tzedek Medical Center, Johns Hopkins University, and many other institutions of higher education in Israel and abroad. We also have ongoing projects with industry – including the Administration for the Development of Weapons and Technological Infrastructure, Maf’at. Currently, our faculty members have received grants from the Ministry of Science and Technology, the Israel Science Foundation, the Ministry of Energy, the Israel Innovation Authority, the DFG and the Israel Ministry of Environmental Protection. Our researchers also publish extensively in refereed journals and conference proceedings, as is detailed in these listings.