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(***Canceled - COVID19***)

Please fill the requested fields with your details.

This is important for us to track registrations and to be able to contact you.

Upon ending the process, you will receive a confirmation email.

This confirmation is provisory, until the conference secretary receives your payment.

Then we will be able to send a receipt and a final confirmation for your registration.


Every registered participant will receive a receipt for the paid registration fee. In some countries it is necessary to obtain a separate confirmation that a talk was presented. If this is the case for you, please send an email to cadgme2020@jct.ac.il and provide  your name, affiliation and the title of a talk you plan to present.

Registration Fee 300
Companions 0 0

If you wish to make a bank transfer, here is the necessary info:

Friends of JCT
The First International Bank of Israel
Hillel Street, 10
Jerusalem 94581

Bank number 31
Agency number 12
Account number 565512

After payment has been performed, send a copy of the documentby email to cadgme2020@jct.ac.il.
Only then registration can be effective.